Govt. suppressing NZQA scandal
The Government is holding back information outlining spending within the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, Labour education spokesperson Trevor Mallard said today.
Trevor Mallard said Tertiary Education Minister Max Bradford was holding onto a report which was called for following controversy surrounding former chief executive Douglas Blackmur.
"The findings in the report will reinforce public perception of this Government's acceptance of outrageous spending of taxpayers' money in areas like travel and entertaining," Trevor Mallard said.
"In June, Mr Bradford sought to extinguish public disapproval by announcing reviews of NZQA when questions that I asked were about to bring public attention to some unsavoury practices.
"He wanted to appear to be pro-active in opposing excessive spending which he knows the public has had enough of.
"Yet, I am aware that he has had the results of those reviews for some time now and is choosing to keep them hidden. He is suppressing information that the public has a right to know.
"In light of vehement public opposition to the salary and expenses enjoyed by outgoing Lotteries Commission chief executive David Bale, his caution is understandable, but it is entirely unacceptable.
"I call on Mr Bradford to make those reports
public," Trevor Mallard