Labour Deeply Divided Over Sustainable Forestry
“West Coast Accord signatory, Phil Goff, has been kicked in the face by today’s announcement that Labour will abandon its commitment to the West Coast Accord and West Coasters,” SOE Minister, Tony Ryall, said today. “Labour’s PC left wing has won.”
“It is Phil Goff’s signature on the West Coast Accord. It is Phil Goff’s personal honour at stake,” Mr Ryall said.
“His colleague, friend, and close ally Jim Sutton has done the honourable thing and walked away from the Party hierarchy that has walked away from its word.
“If Phif Goff has a shred of honour he must also condemn the decision.
“Labour are known to be deeply divided on the issue.
“Helen Clark, is working to an agenda set by her former Press Secretary and Forest And Bird spokesperson, Eugenie Sage, and conspiracy theorist and professional activist Nicky Hager.
“But, I understand the vote on abandoning the Accord won narrowly; breaking Phil Goff’s agreement.
“The isolated West Coast MP Damien O’Connor told his locals that Labour would not come out against sustainable forestry as recently as last month.
“This is a sad day for jobs and for West Coasters.
“The only solace they can take is that Labour and the looney-left will not win the general election,” said Mr Ryall.