Greens Announce Rotorua Candidate
The Green Party today announced Lynne Dempsey as its Rotorua candidate.
Ms Dempsey is recognised nationally as a divorce law reform campaigner with Divorce Equity. She has been a social justice activist on a range of issues such as anti-apartheid, peace, women's issues and refugees for over 20 years.
She has driven the Green Party policy on gender equity and is the party spokesperson for Women's Affairs.
Ms Dempsey said she was happy to have been given the opportunity to represent the Green Party in Rotorua and said she would be campaigning vigorously to present Green solutions to the problems that faced the electorate.
"I think there is real scope for the Green message to be promoted in Rotorua," she said. "I will be focusing on social justice, environmental and social sustainability and will be campaigning for a moratorium on trials of genetically engineered crops until we have heard the views of both the experts and citizens."
Green Party Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons said she "couldn't be more pleased" with the selection of Lynne Dempsey. "Lynne is a fine candidate who will have significant appeal with the voters of Rotorua. Lynne has excellent credentials and we are thrilled to have her on board," she said.
"Lynne has worked tirelessly on issues of justice for women and has led the Rotorua campaign against genetic engineering of food."