Luxon Quick To Give Away Principled Position On Nukes
Christopher Luxon seems to have thrown New Zealand’s principled anti-nuclear advocacy under a bus.
New Zealand has long opposed India's entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group, but the Prime Minister has walked that back in the India-New Zealand joint statement.
“The Government appears to have abandoned New Zealand’s long held objection to India joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group. New Zealand along with Ireland, Austria and China have opposed India joining the group because it has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT),” Labour’s disarmament spokesperson Phil Twyford said.
“The Nuclear Suppliers Group aims to ensure nuclear trade for peaceful purposes does not contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and its rules require members to have signed the NPT.
“In his haste to get trade talks underway it seems Christopher Luxon has given away our position on a significant anti-nuclear issue. He needs to understand that having an independent foreign policy means we sometimes differ with our friends and trading partners on matters of principle.
“We’re very proud of our nuclear-free status, however Luxon seems to have folded without much consultation or thought. Shame on him,” Phil Twyford said.