New Practices To Improve The Safety Of People Affected By Family Violence
Hon Karen
Minister for the Prevention of Family and
Sexual Violence
The Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour has launched the new Family Violence Risk and Safety Practice Framework, which will improve the safety of people affected by family violence.
“This new Practice Framework will ensure that family violence risk is recognised early, responded to safely and appropriately, and that people and families get the right support early.
“It provides clear and nationally consistent guidance to frontline workers supporting people at risk.
Family violence harms people physically and psychologically. It can have a very significant impact on people’s entire lives, including their engagement with education, employment, and connections to their community and loved ones,” said Minister Chhour.
This government is committed to implementing Te Aorerekura – the National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence, and launched the second Action Plan (2025-2030) in December.
“The new Framework forms a key part of the government’s ongoing investment in boosting family violence workforce capability.
We are also undertaking other significant programmes to improve responses to family violence risk including:
- improved training for Police, Oranga Tamariki and Corrections staff around managing family violence risk and supporting people through it,
- supporting 12 local multi-agency responses to develop system improvement plans,
- and working with Toitū Te Waiora to develop family violence qualifications.
“This work helps set out good practice and the standards expected of staff entrusted to help people at risk of family violence and frontline workers taking action to stop people using violence.
“The new framework was designed with detailed input from the family violence sector and communities.
I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this work so far, and to encourage everyone working with people at risk of family violence to support this important work and continue this improve our collective responses to family violence;” said Minister Chhour.
Here is a copy of the new practice framework – Risk-and-Safety-Practice-Framework-Web-Version.pdf