Severing Contact Between Prisoners And Victims
Legislation that prevents offenders in prison from contacting victims and those under protection orders has passed its third reading in Parliament, National MP for Takanini Rima Nakhle says.
“Victims have a right to feel safe from their perpetrators. My Bill ensures that Corrections is obliged to inform victims and recipients of prisoner correspondence about how they can refuse contact from offenders in prison under their supervision.
“It will also ensure that in deciding what conditions to impose on prisoners, the chief executive of Corrections must consider the interests of victims, particularly their right to be free from unwanted contact.
“My Bill will also insert a new offence into s128 of the Corrections Act 2004, making it an offence to contact, or encourage others to contact, someone who does not want to be contacted.
“This Bill fits into our Government’s law and order agenda, by ensuring that once again our justice system is victim-centric. One of our public service targets is to reduce the number of people who become victims of serious assault, robbery, and sexual assault by 20,000 by 2029. We also want to ensure that victims are supported as they move through the justice system.
“I look forward to following up with Corrections in the near future, as to how these changes are progressing.”