World Choir Games To Boost Auckland Economy

Published: Tue 2 Jul 2024 10:45 AM
Hon Melissa Lee
Minister for Economic Development
Around 11,000 singers from 40 countries will be taking to the stage in Auckland next week for the 13th World Choir Games, generating important economic and cultural benefits for the supercity, says Economic Development Minister Melissa Lee.
“It’s the biggest choral competition and festival in the world, so I’m absolutely thrilled that New Zealand gets to play host for the first time,” Ms Lee says.
“Both Kiwis and international visitors are expected to flock to events across the 11-day festival, providing a boost to the local economy.”
The Government has provided $7 million from the Major Events Fund towards the World Choir Games. This marks the largest government investment into a major international arts event to date.
“As a UNESCO City of Music, the Games are also an incredible opportunity for Auckland to showcase to the world the choirs of the Pacific and celebrate Māori, Pacific, and Kiwi culture,” Ms Lee says.
“In addition to its focus on rebuilding the economy, the Government remains committed to supporting and building New Zealand’s arts and cultural events sector.”
The event runs from 10 to 20 July 2024, with 250 choirs taking part.
“There will be competitions, workshops, ceremonies, and concerts. There are also more than 60 free daytime performances – ‘Friendship Concerts’ – being held across the region, so there will be something for everyone.”
Find out more and buy tickets:

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