Govt Must Release The Fast Track Projects List

Published: Wed 26 Jun 2024 11:54 AM
The National Government is keeping the public in the dark about projects that have applied for approval under the Fast Track Approvals Bill.
“The Government will not front up on what the proposed projects are, despite the applications closing nearly two months ago,” said Labour environment spokesperson Rachel Brooking.
“Ministers should be upfront about the projects. They say the Fast Track Approvals Bill will be used to get renewable energy projects off the ground, but how can we know if they don’t release the list?
“These projects must go to select committee for scrutiny, rather than just being plonked into the Bill with no way for the public to have their say.
“The public need to know what the Fast Track Approvals Bill will be used for and what the Government is signing New Zealand up to.
“I am concerned that projects that have previously been declined, like Te Kuha mine, could be approved under this piece of legislation without any regard for the native species it could affect. New Zealanders need to know if this is the case as under the fast track process, they won’t have a chance to voice their concerns.
“The National Government is making a choice to prioritise short term, potentially environmentally damaging projects like coal mines, without any input from the communities they will affect long term,” said Rachel Brooking.

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