Government Gives Nothing To Climate And Inequality Crises

Published: Thu 30 May 2024 02:07 PM
The coalition Government has offered Aotearoa little hope and even less ambition in this year’s Budget.
“Today the Government had a choice to confront the climate crisis and end poverty. It has instead chosen to slash and burn funding for climate action and punch down on people who need support,” says Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick.
“Trickle-down tax cuts are cold comfort coming at the expense of the social contract we all rely on. This budget isn’t a vision, it’s a shredder.
“The contempt shown for people and planet today will have serious consequences for our tomorrow. Tens of thousands of New Zealanders are already mobilising against the government’s cruel and unusual agenda and they can expect this is just the beginning.
“Positive change does not just happen, it is fought for. The Green Party will continue to fight for the country and the world we all deserve,” says Chlöe Swarbrick.
“The Government has chosen to preserve poverty and remain a not-so-innocent bystander to the unfolding climate crisis with an incredibly unambitious Budget for Aotearoa,” says Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson.
“Poverty is a political choice and instead of bringing it to an end, the coalition has prioritised lining the pockets of the wealthy. The “modest” tax cuts offered to our communities are crumbs in the context of the slash-and-burn to critical public services and do nothing meaningful to shift the dial on our shameful rates of child poverty in Aotearoa.
“This Budget will leave people out in the cold and leave our planet to burn as emissions rise and our window of opportunity to combat climate change closes.
“Aotearoa can do better. We deserve better. We have enough to go around to ensure everyone has food to eat alongside a warm place to call home.
“We can and must choose to prioritise people and planet over the profit-thirsty industry interests that seem to have hijacked the direction of this Government,” says Marama Davidson.

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