Govt Cries “Privatisation” In 3W Backdown While Opening Kiwibank Up For Sale

Published: Sun 4 Dec 2022 09:11 AM
“The Government has been thwarted in its sneaky attempt to entrench Three Waters provisions, this is a win for democracy but the Government’s intentions remain concerning,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“This entire process has been deliberately murky and questions remain about how it even got to this point. The Prime Minster has some explaining to do. How was it that this was discussed in Labour caucus, but she claims she wasn’t across it?
“Why didn’t it go to Cabinet for consideration despite 7.78 of the Cabinet Manual and how was it that her Senior Minister Nanaia Mahuta was so across this, even saying in Parliament that it “may not pass the constitutional threshold” and yet Ardern was blind to it?
“Labour have claimed repeatedly that the entrenchment was due to privatisation concerns. This is nonsense. This week they amended the constitution for Kiwibank and refused to shut the door on floating it on NZX.
“They can’t cover up a total disaster crowing about privatisation at the same time they are actively considering it for other assets.
“The Greens and Labour have been grossly irresponsible, not realising what they are doing to New Zealand’s constitutional framework while trying to fight the imaginary bogeyman of privatisation.
“This time they have been caught out. They can’t try and hoodwink New Zealand again.”

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