Labour Leader’s Party Conference Speech
Ardern Labour Party
Leader Tēnā koutou katoa “Kua
tawhiti kē tō mātou haerenga mai, kia kore e haere
tonu. He nui rawa o mahi, kia kore e mahi
tonu.” Kia haere tonu tātou We have come
too far not to go further We have done too much
not to do more We must keep
going. Welcome! It’s so fantastic to be
here in South Auckland, and it’s so fantastic to be here
with all of you. I want to begin by acknowledging our
team here. Our wonderful New Zealand Councillors, our
outgoing and incoming President, our excellent Deputy Leader
of the Labour Party Kelvin Davis, our caucus and most
importantly, our members. Our lifeblood and our engine
room. Last year our conference was a little different
to this. We gathered in the manner which was traditional in
the year 2021 – Zoom. There are some distinct
advantages to communication from the comfort of your own
home. For instance, at last year’s conference speech I was
essentially wearing slippers. Our facial lines all
miraculously softened, and then there were the filters which
were especially good when they malfunctioned. And by
malfunction, I mean – user error – like the occasion I
borrowed my Chief of Staff Raj Nahna’s laptop for a
meeting, flicked the make-up function on, and neglected to
tell him. At our next officials meeting complete with
senior public servants and ministers I noticed Raj was
desperately trying to cover his face and a fetching shade of
lipstick and rouge, which, he had no idea how to turn
off. I think it’s fair to say, it’s been a
time. And while no one expects being in Government to
be simple, the last few years have not been an easy
run. A global pandemic of a scale not seen since the
1918 global influenza outbreak, followed immediately by an
economic downturn the largest in scale since the Great
Depression of the 1920s and 30s – twin health and economic
crises that no government in New Zealand history has ever
had to contend with. There was no rulebook
written. But what we did have, was a set of values,
and the history of past Labour governments. It
wasn’t a rulebook, but it was a guide. On the 9th
floor of the Beehive building in Wellington, sitting
directly behind my desk, is a picture of Michael Joseph
Savage. You could say he’s on my shoulder but also ever so
slightly in my ear. Of course it was Savage and the
first Labour Government that lifted New Zealand out of the
depths of the Great Depression. Not by cutting taxes and
services, but by investing in jobs, and building a social
welfare safety net. They built the country’s first state
home. And not long after these social reforms – New
Zealand’s living standards were among some of the highest
in the world. Not for the few, but for the many. The
Finance Minister who supported Savage, Walter Nash, then led
Labour’s second government as it continued to build our
nation’s social welfare system, while advocating on the
world stage for peace over war after World War 2. It
was Norman Kirk and a Labour government who tilted the
country towards a modern future with reforms of trade,
health, the arts, and education. They worked hard to foster
a renewed national identity and partnership with Maōri –
all the while challenging global evil such as apartheid and
nuclear testing. It was a fight David Lange continued,
making New Zealand nuclear free, while also righting the
wrongs of the past by legalising homosexuality, and fully
abolishing the death penalty. And of course with Helen
Clark, the first woman elected our Prime Minister, New
Zealand maintained a principled position on the war in Iraq,
while leading a fifth Labour government that improved the
economic wellbeing of Kiwi families, by setting up
KiwiSaver, the Cullen superannuation fund, and Working for
Families. These were all Labour governments that
despite what came their way, never lost sight of the things
that matter. I believe the same can be said about
us. We are a government that cares for our
people. Their jobs. Their families. Their
kids and grandkids and the earth that they will
inherit. Yes, managing crisis is an integral part of
government – and every Labour government has had their
fair share to manage. For us, the list has been a
little longer than you’d hope or even imagine – and the
pandemic was especially difficult for
everyone. Could we have done more, or done things
differently – yes. But not every country can claim
that over three years they saved more lives and livelihoods
and lived with fewer restrictions than nearly anywhere else
in the world. And that’s something every single New
Zealander can be proud of. But we’ve done more than
manage crises – we’ve made progress despite
them. Before Covid we said we wanted New Zealand to be
the best place in the world to be a child. And so we
increased paid parental leave from 18 to 26 weeks. We
created the Best Start payment which restored for the first
time in 40 years a universal child payment for families with
a newborn. We increased the Family Tax
Credit. And Introduced free lunches, and free period
products in schools. And now, 66,000 children have
been lifted out of poverty and all nine measures of child
poverty in this country are in decline. 66,000 kids
who now have a better shot at school, at getting into work
when the time comes, whose parents have the dignity of being
able to provide for their children. We said we wanted
to build a mental healthcare system that didn’t just exist
in times of crisis. So we started building services in
GP clinics, iwi providers and youth services. We built
and extended Mana Ake, a mental health programme for kids at
primary and intermediate. And we’ve put more
counsellors in schools too. And now, for the first
time, we have an early intervention in our mental health
system that has provided half a million mental health
sessions to Kiwis in need, and over 30,000 counselling hours
for kids in schools. We said every New Zealander
should have a warm, dry, affordable home. And so, we
introduced the healthy homes requirements. Stopped
overseas speculators buying residential homes. Evened
up the playing field for first home buyers by closing tax
loop holes and extending the bright line
test. Launched the biggest state housing build and
Papakāinga investment we’ve seen in decades. And
now, we have helped 65,000 first home buyers with grants to
buy their own homes, lifted the share of first home buyers
in the market from 20 to 24 percent – the highest since
2016 – and created more than 10,000 public housing
places. In fact, this government has created 13
percent of the total public and community housing stock New
Zealand has, in just the past five years. We said we
would tackle climate change. So we passed the Zero
Carbon Act, established the Climate Commission and created
an Emissions Reduction Plan. We banned future oil and
gas exploration, and the installation of new coal
boilers. We built incentives and standards which means
we have now tripled electric vehicle imports. And
we’re creating a world first regime to make sure we reduce
agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, which make up just
under half of our emissions profile. We said we wanted
to be a nation where we grew skills, invested in our core
services, and where everyone had the opportunity to
experience the dignity of work. And so we invested in
and increased apprenticeship numbers by a massive 61
percent. Supported 5200 rangatahi into work through
Mana in Mahi. Employed 4000 more nurses and nearly
3000 more teachers. And have now some of the lowest
unemployment on record, including for Maori, in the midst of
one of the largest social and economic crisis of a
generation. This isn’t a check list. This isn’t a
political score card. Behind every one of those
numbers is someone’s life that has been impacted by a
Labour government. The gentleman I met in Hawke’s
Bay who told me about his brand new Kāinga Ora home where
his moko were finally warm. The parents of a new
autoelectrical apprentice in Gisborne who were so happy
their child had stability and certainty. The single
mum who wrote to me to say she can now afford for her family
to be warm over winter. The teacher who told me what a
difference lunches in schools was making to their kids and
community. These achievements make us a better
country. They make us fairer. And with economic storm
clouds brewing, they form the strong foundation we need to
face the future with confidence. And it is the future
I want to talk about today. We have been through tough
times, but global volatility still lies in front of us and
2023 will likely, in many ways, be more difficult than this
year. That brings uncertainty and anxiety. I understand
that. So the question next year will be: who is best
to help New Zealand navigate these tough times. Who
can provide the security and certainty New Zealanders need
to get through, with a plan, with confidence and with
optimism. The answer is Labour. Because we have
been here before. Because we have the track record and
the experience. Because we can manage a crisis AND
make progress. Because we are not done yet. And
in 2023 we’re not asking for people to take a leap of
faith. We’re asking them to look at our record. That
doesn’t mean considering Labour vs perfection. But Labour
vs the opposition, which I would argue is quite some way off
perfection. And here’s our record, in a head to
head Despite the biggest economic shock since the
Great Depression, the New Zealand economy is bigger now than
before Covid – 4.8 percent bigger. That is because of good
economic management. It took nearly five years for
National to increase the economy by that level after the
GFC. Wages are up 17 percent since 2019. It took
National six years after the GFC to deliver
that. We’ve had record low unemployment in the past
year, in facts it’s half of what it was at the GFC and
that includes for Maori, for Pacifica and for
women. We’re on track to return to surplus
faster. Our debt is low, with the likes of Australia,
the UK, the US and Canada carrying far more. We have
record high prices for our primary sector
exports. We’ve secured new trade agreements with the
UK and the EU with more in negotiation. Tourists and
international students are returning, and they are
spending. And our underlying economic position is
strong. That is not by accident, but through
thoughtful decision making and an eye on putting people and
families at the centre of our recovery. Here I do want
to pay special tribute to Grant Robertson. He is an
exceptional Minister of Finance, considered, intelligent and
kind. He has taken us through a one in 100 year crisis –
managing the books well all the while putting people first
in our economy. Overseeing an upgrade in our
infrastructure, in our services, and in our global credit
ratings. The rating agencies see him as an
experienced, safe pair of hands, and there is no one I trust
more to keep delivering financial security and stability for
our economy and for New Zealand families. If there was
one thing Covid taught us, and it schooled us in many ways,
it was the need to be nimble. To keep an eye on the horizon
and be willing to act when we need to. Front and
centre right now, we have the extraordinary challenges of a
cost of living crisis, global in origin but affecting many
Kiwis. We worked quickly to develop a suite of cost of
living measures to support Kiwis struggling with rising
costs. We introduced the cost of living payment for middle
and low income earners, cut fuel excise by 25 cents a litre,
halved the price of public transport, and increased Working
for Families. It’s a crisis that is still with the
world and so with us too, and clearly more is
needed. Right now, the load for families across New
Zealand is a heavy one, and while there are many pressures,
we know childcare is the biggest in-work expense for
families. Traditionally, this has been an area where
families have had some support. But over a decade ago,
during the GFC, the National Government cut childcare
assistance so severely, that the number of children
supported plummeted by half, from over 50,000 in 2010 to
fewer than 25,000 this year. Conservative estimates
show it is New Zealand women in particular who cannot afford
to work if they want to – because of childcare costs –
and they are forgoing $116 million or more in wages each and
every year. This barrier to work exacerbates a
workforce shortage, but more than that, it removes the
ability for many New Zealand families to choose what’s
best for them. Why did National take away this choice
in 2010? Only they can answer that. But I would
just note that it was the same year they last cut the top
tax rate. It was a massively short-sighted
decision. Over the next 10 years parents, usually
women, were increasingly forced into an economic
dilemma. I want families to have choices. I want them
to stay home and be a primary care giver if they choose to.
Or work, if they choose to. But increasingly those choices
have been removed. And if you are a sole parent, you have
even fewer. We have tried to restore those choices. We
extended Paid Parental Leave, brought in the Best Start
Payment, restored the Training Incentive Allowance and made
changes to the In Work Tax Credit. Last year we also
took the first step of matching income thresholds for the
childcare subsidy back to wage growth – ensuring more
families didn’t lose out. But more is
needed. Today I can announce that the Labour
Government will significantly expand childcare assistance to
New Zealand families. From April we will lift the
household income thresholds on our Childcare Assistance
subsidies for those with children under 5 in early childhood
education, and aged 5 to 13 at an approved before or after
school and holiday programme. Our changes will mean 54
per cent of all New Zealand families with children will now
be eligible for subsidised childcare assistance. Over
10,000 additional children will become eligible for
support. And nearly every sole parent in New Zealand
will be eligible for childcare assistance To give you
an example of what this will mean, a family with two parents
both working 40 hours per week on $26 per hour with two
children under five, who would not have been eligible for
childcare assistance previously, will now be eligible for
$252 per week. These changes are on top of the 20
hours of early childcare education provided by the
Government for those aged 3 to 5 and are a pre-Budget
commitment that will take effect from April next year, at a
cost of $48 million a year. Thousands more children
supported into early learning. Thousands more parents
able to enter the workforce. But perhaps most
importantly – thousands of parents given back the choice
to do what’s best for their families. Today I can
also share that next year, for the second year in a row,
there will be a significant boost to Working For Families
payments. From April 2023, the Family Tax Credit will
increase by another $9 a week for the eldest child to $136 a
week, and by $7 a week for subsequent children to $111 a
week. Best Start too will lift by $4 a week to $69 a
week. Along with previous increases to the Family Tax
Credit, a family with two children on a median family income
for Working for Families recipients are now receiving over
$1300 more a year since we took office. That climbs to
over $3600 for families receiving the Best Start
payment. This kind of targeted support not only
reaches those who need it most, it is support we can afford
that unlike across the board tax cuts, won’t have a
significant impact on inflation and make the problem
worse. You will have heard it said endlessly over the
last three years, that it’s been a tough time. And it has.
Undeniably. Sometimes people ask me at a more personal
level, how I keep going. Two reasons. Because of a
powerful intervention otherwise known as endless cups of
tea. And because I am an optimist. We have an
amazing country. With incredible people. And we owe it
to those people to keep up our unrelenting focus on what
matters most to them. The dignity of decent
work. The best possible start for
kids. Affordable housing. Health and education
that people can rely on. And a well-cared for
environment. And while I cannot tell you what might
come our way next, because those are predictions I have
learnt to stay well away from, I can tell you that Labour is
the party who can tackle it head on, and make the progress
we need and deserve as a nation. I’m here for
that. You’re here for that. So bring it
on.Labour Leader’s Party
Conference speech
Did we always get everything right –