Sunscreen Bill Adds Heat To Manufacturers
The passing of the Sunscreen Product Safety Standard Bill today will give New Zealander’s greater confidence in the effectiveness of SPF products they purchase, National MP for Bay of Plenty Todd Muller says.
“The Bill that passed this evening means that the sunscreen product safety standard is now specifically referenced in the Fair Trading Act. Any breaches can be subjected to significant fines of up to $600,000.
“New Zealand and Australia have a shared sunscreen standard, which was only voluntary. This meant products sold in this country might not be tested against their SPF rating.
“Consumer NZ has continued to find sunscreen brands that were not meeting SPF levels advertised. Last year it found that three sunscreen brands out of nine tested failed to meet their own sun protection claims.
“Considering New Zealand has one of the highest skin cancer and melanoma rates in the world, the idea that SPF promises on the label aren’t always verified is unacceptable.
“To see a members’ bill unanimously supported through all stages suggests it was well and truly overdue.
“Whilst there is no complete solution to the impacts of our harsh sun, this is a necessary and vital step. I am proud to have sponsored this Bill and I hope it will protect more Kiwis next summer.”