Greens Welcome Commitment To Sick Leave Extension
The Green Party has welcomed the Government’s commitment to introduce legislation to extend statutory minimum paid sick leave to ten days before the end of 2020.
The Prime Minister made this commitment in a speech to a meeting of E Tū union delegates, attended by Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson.
“The Green Party were glad to see Labour join the Greens in committing to extending sick leave during the election”, said Green Party Workplace Relations spokesperson Jan Logie.
“COVID-19 has exposed how vital it is that people can take time of work when they’re sick without fear of reduced income.
“Staying home when you’re sick helps keeps our whole community safe.
“Ten days paid sick leave will bring Aotearoa into line with countries like Australia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Spain.
“We hope this is a first step to making other changes that improve the lives of working people and their families, including Fair Pay Agreements, paying more people the Living Wage, default union membership, and better protections for dependent contractors and vulnerable workers.”