National welcomes Climate Change Commission

Published: Wed 8 May 2019 11:16 AM
Simon Bridges - Leader of the Opposition
8 May 2019
The National Party welcomes today’s announcement of proposed amendments to the Climate Change Response Act as a positive step towards establishing an independent advisory Climate Change Commission, Leader of the Opposition Simon Bridges says.
“While we have found common ground on the Commission’s form and function, the net-zero target for long lived gases, and the separate treatment of methane, we have serious reservations about the expected rate of reduction for methane.
“National was clear on its position, as I outlined at my speech at Fieldays last year. We have taken a principled approach to these negotiations, including seeking different treatment for separate gases, and I am pleased to see this reflected in the Bill.
“We are not convinced that the proposed 24-47 per cent reduction for methane meets our test in terms of science, economic impact or global response.
“We’re committed to taking short term politics out of climate change policy, by having an enduring Commission which will give science-based advice for successive governments.
“New Zealand has been a global leader in sustainable agricultural production. For this leadership to be enhanced the sector must continue to embrace change, but this target goes beyond credible scientific recommendations.
“We have signalled to the Government in earlier discussions that it is exactly the sort of decision a newly formed Climate Commission should advise Parliament on, rather than politicians cherry picking numbers. Waiting five years to finally assess whether it’s fit for purpose is not acceptable.
“National remains committed to finding a bipartisan approach to climate change that delivers the best outcomes for New Zealand.”

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