Firework petition at Parliament
What: Green Party MP accepts 18,000 strong
petition to stop the dangerous private sale of fireworks
Who: Green MP Gareth Hughes
When: 12:30pm, TODAY Tuesday 11
Where: Steps of Parliament
House, Wellington
Media statement by Green MP Gareth Hughes:
“Almost 18,000 people have signed a petition to say they would like to see the Government pass legislation which prohibits the dangerous private sale of fireworks and licensing for public fireworks displays.
“They signed because they know fireworks cause hundreds of accidents each year, start fires and cause distress and sometimes injuries to animals.
“It's no surprise, with the many stories of injury and trauma I hear, that New Zealanders are calling time for private sales of fireworks to fizzle out.
“I urge this Government to legislate so that we can embrace public displays without the worries and danger of ad hoc private use”.