Greg O’Connor disappointed at plans to close Kiwibank Branch
“Today’s announcement that Kiwibank is closing its Johnsonville branch is very disappointing and will be a real blow to the Johnsonville community and surrounding areas,” says Greg O’Connor, MP for Ōhāriu.
Mr O’Connor made the comments today following the announcement by Kiwibank that it will be withdrawing services from its Johnsonville and Petone branches, and that New Zealand Post is changing its postal service in the area.
“Wellington City Council figures show immense population growth forecast over the next 25 years. Johnsonville is forecast to grow by 18.5%, Grenada, Paparangi and Woodridge by nearly 64%, and Churton Park by 33.2%, against 18% average growth across the city as a whole. These areas need a quality bank and postal service if they are going to continue to flourish.
“Closing the bank branch will particularly disadvantage people who have English as a second language, the elderly and people with disabilities. In addition, this closure will no doubt have an impact on local jobs and employment opportunities.”
“I want both Kiwibank and New Zealand Post to reconsider their decision and keep the combined Kiwibank branch and New Zealand Post office in Johnsonville open.”
“I have written to the CEOs of both New Zealand Post and Kiwibank expressing my disappointment in this decision, particularly given that I received assurances from New Zealand Post earlier in the year that they had no plans to make changes to their services in Johnsonville.”
“I have organised a public meeting for 7pm on Thursday 6 December at the Johnsonville Community Centre on Moorefield Road, and I have invited both CEOs to attend to hear from the people of Johnsonville about the impact this closure will have on our community,” Mr O’Connor says.