Breach of Privileges Committee ruling disappointing
21 November 2018
Green Party Co-leader, Marama Davidson
The Green Party is concerned that information
made public by the National Party report into the leaking of
Simon Bridges’s travel expenses has allowed the
identification of two journalists based on information that
should have been kept confidential.
“Press freedom is essential to democracy,” Green Party Co-Leader Marama Davidson said today.
“Protection of journalists, and their independence are essential to democracy and must be actively supported by political parties and by the Parliament.”
“It’s particularly disappointing that this breach has occurred when all Parties went through a similar situation in 2013 and the Privileges Committee gave very strong directions, at the time, on how Parties were to conduct themselves.”
“The Green Party values open and honest politics and is committed to upholding journalistic privilege to ensure a vibrant democratic culture in New Zealand.”