Bridges unveils team to take on Ardern-Peters Govt

Published: Sun 11 Mar 2018 02:43 PM
Bridges unveils team to take on Ardern-Peters Govt
National Party Leader Simon Bridges has unveiled his new caucus line-up, saying it reflects his intention to make the most of the party’s considerable experience as well as new talent – and to recognise hard work, new ideas and success.
“The National Party caucus is brimming with energy and enthusiasm and a willingness to work in the best interests of New Zealand. This new line-up reflects that.
“It is a strong mix of former Ministers and senior MPs alongside emerging ones who have proven to me they have what it takes to hold this Ardern-Peters Government to account, to listen to New Zealanders and to develop new policies for the 2020s.
“This means the energy of all 56 of our MPs – Parliament’s strongest and most diverse caucus - is focused on the role of Opposition, ensuring every MP has a chance to directly contribute to taking on the Government and driving innovation and policies in the best interests of New Zealand.
“The team I have announced today also reflects the strength and talents of the women in our caucus, with three in the top five positions, and eight in the top 20. And they are there on merit.
“Unlike our opponents who believe in quotas and catering to special and competing interests, the National Party believes in rewarding hard work and success - in Parliament and out of it.
“That’s how New Zealand will continue to get ahead – through being focused and ambitious, innovative and smart.
“National believes in a New Zealand that is confident, outward and forward looking, and backs itself to succeed on the world stage.
“This team of MPs is an alternative Government in waiting. It will effectively hold this weak Coalition Government to account and ensure the National Party earns the trust of New Zealanders and the right to govern in their interests in 2020.”

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