Petone to Grenada issues need resolving
Petone to Grenada issues need resolving
“It is fortunate that the potential issues around the Petone to Grenada Link Road have been exposed before building begins,” Greg O’Connor, Labour MP for Ōhāriu said today. However, he says it should in no way diminish the importance of this route, one that will not only improve resilience but also caters to the needs of residents at either end of the proposed link road.
“Long lines of traffic in the left turning lane of Ngauranga Gorge at all times of the day are just one indication of the volume of traffic between Ōhāriu and Hutt Valley,” Mr O’Connor says.
Many residents of the Ōhāriu electorate, particularly those of ethnic minorities and various religious groups are part of Wellington-wide communities which necessitates considerable travel, and Mr O’Connor says the Wellington roading structure needs to reflect this.
“We cannot ignore the probability of a large earthquake in Wellington and as a local Member of Parliament, I do not want to be part of a ‘should have’ discussion following the inevitable disruption which will follow such a quake in Wellington,” he said today.
This proposed road will be an integral part of dealing with post-quake transportation and access issues and it is good that this report has exposed flaws in the original plan.
Mr O’Connor has met with, and will continue to meet with New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), local councils and Government officials over the issue.