Labour pledges to unlock funding for Te Hiku sports hub
Labour pledges to unlock funding for Te Hiku sports hub project
The Labour Government will inject nearly $3 million into the Te Hiku Sports Hub project, to help realise a much-needed health and recreational facility for the Far North, says Labour Deputy Leader and MP for Te Tai Tokerau Kelvin Davis.
“The people of the Far North and Kaitaia have been crying out for a facility that will bring our communities together and provide positive health and recreation options.
“The Te Hiku Sports Hub project in Kaitaia will develop the existing sports field into a community asset that everyone can use and be proud of.
“The next stage of the Te Hiku Sports Hub upgrade is an aquatic centre with an indoor pool, learn to swim pool, and a hydrotherapy pool.
“The aquatic facilities are incredibly important for our young people to learn to swim, as well as providing an essential service for older New Zealanders to remain active.
“As is often the case, local government and the communities have worked hard to find the money but can’t quite get across the line. Labour will help them get across this funding line.
“The plans for Te Hiku aquatic centre will cost $8.4m. Far North District Council has committed to funding a third of this if the community supplies the other $5.5m. This has proven too big a burden for the community, so Labour will step in with $2.8m from our Regional Development Fund. Labour’s commitment is provisional on the remainder of the money being raised for the project by the community.
“The benefits to the local people, through better health, recreation and community connections will be significantly greater than this price tag.
“Labour stands for strong communities in the regions. We understand the needs of all of our communities and we’re passionate about making the right investments in New Zealand’s future,” says Kelvin Davis.