15 November
Govt passes TPPA Bill under the shadow of the quakes
The TPPA Amendment Bill has passed its Third and final reading today despite the majority of New Zealanders not wanting it.
“It’s outrageous that the Government would use a time like this to force through legislation which everyday New Zealanders are deeply opposed to” said ActionStation Campaigns Director, Laura O’Connell Rapira.
“Over the last two years more than a hundred thousand have signed petitions, thirty thousand have hit the streets in protest and in the last week over three and a half thousand have sent personal emails to the holder of the deciding vote, Peter Dunne. All these New Zealanders have shown the immense opposition to this undemocratic deal.”
“By passing this legislation the Government has continued to show that they don’t care about listening to everyday New Zealanders”
However, the TPPA is unlikely to come into effect. The Obama Administration has said they won’t try to ratify the deal during the ‘lame-duck’ period before Trump’s inauguration. Prime Minister, John Key, admitted last week that the deal had a very slim chance of happening given Trump’s election.