Minister needs to stop Housing New Zealand heartlessness
Phil Twyford
MP for Te Atatū
Housing Spokesperson
4 November 2016
Minister needs to stop Housing New Zealand
Bill English needs to stop the heartless treatment of grieving families by Housing New Zealand, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Phil Twyford.
“People who have lived in a home all their lives, and who have just lost a loved one, should not face eviction by Housing New Zealand.
“Just because a state house tenant has died is no excuse for their family to be booted out on the street. A family in mourning deserves compassion.
“It is a disgrace that Housing New Zealand is rushing to make the Cupples family leave their home while, at the same time, thousands of state houses are sitting empty. This is a result of National’s policy of bleeding state housing dry, rather than investing in people.
“Labour will stop treating Housing New Zealand as a business and stop taking ‘profits’ out of it. We will build more state houses. State housing should be a public service to ensure that families in need have decent housing.
“It’s time for the government to end its policy of running down and selling off state houses, and punishing families,” says Mr Twyford.