NZ day of remembrance looks towards future
Nanaia Mahuta
MP for Hauraki-Waikato
Treaty of
Waitangi Negotiations
31 October 2016
NZ day of remembrance looks towards future
The New Zealand Land Wars Day of Remembrance will help all Kiwis learn about the significant historic events that shape our nation, says Labour’s Hauraki-Waikato MP Nanaia Mahuta.
“I want to acknowledge and thank the two young leaders from Otorohonga High School who were resolute in their efforts to bring a petition to Parliament.
“A hui of pan-iwi representatives have settled on October 28 as the day of national remembrance.
“The event will be about looking towards a more informed future where New Zealand will not hide from our past but commemorate our own civil war so that the whole story can be told, and acknowledged so we can continue to move forward as a nation.
“I am reminded of the desire of the petitioners Leah Bell and Waimarama Anderson who wanted more local history to be factored into the New Zealand school curriculum.
“I too believe that we cannot leave it to chance. The Government has a real opportunity to require all schools include the wars which took place in New Zealand as an important part of our core social studies and history curriculum.
“While the Maori Affairs Select Committee is yet to finalise its report, iwi and communities will forge ahead with their efforts to re-balance the history of New Zealand by recognising such significant events.
“I would like young people to look towards the promise of rectifying the wrongs of the past and redress secured under the many Treaty Settlements that have been reached between iwi and the Crown.
“This is another step forward towards shaping the future of our country which we can all belong to,” says Nanaia Mahuta.