Minister welcomes Consumer Rights Day
Hon Paul Goldsmith
Minister of Commerce and Consumer
26 October 2016 Media Statement
Minister welcomes Consumer Rights Day
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Paul Goldsmith welcomes Consumer Rights Day, being kicked off today in Wellington with a public event to help consumers learn about their rights.
“The event brings together speakers from across the public and not-for-profit sectors to provide information on what protections are in place for consumers,” says Mr Goldsmith.
Speakers include the Commerce Commission, the Telecommunication Dispute Resolution scheme, the Disputes Tribunal, the Ombudsman, and the financial dispute resolution schemes.
“It is important for consumers, and the agencies who work with them, to know where to turn if things go wrong.
“The groups speaking at Consumer Rights Day today are available to offer information and assistance at any time. Anyone who needs help is encouraged to visit their websites, or contact them directly,” says Mr Goldsmith.
Consumer Rights Day is organised by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Consumer Protection team. The next event is to be held in Christchurch in early 2017.
For more information about consumer rights visit: