Green Party will not stand in probable by-election
27 September 2016
Green Party will not stand in probable Mt Roskill by-election
The Green Party has decided to not stand a candidate in a Mt Roskill by-election, should Phil Goff win the Auckland mayoralty and vacate the seat.
“The Green Party’s priority is changing the Government in 2017, and as part of that we’ve decided that we won’t stand a candidate in the probable Mt Roskill by-election,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“This decision shows the Memorandum of Understanding between Labour and the Green Party is working.
“The Mt Roskill by-election will be closely contested, and we don't want to play any role in National winning the seat.
“The Green Party reached this decision after several weeks of internal discussions.
“We’re making this announcement today as there has been considerable interest in the probable Mt Roskill by-election, and because we want to be clear with our supporters and the public.
“The decision was made by the Green Party, and has no bearing on any other electorates or the 2017 election campaign,” said Mrs Turei.