$200k Spent On App Downloaded Just 1000 Times
$200k Spent On App Downloaded Just 1000 Times
Economic Development
February 2016
Steven Joyce’s culture of
extravagance has been exposed again with $200,000 spent on
an app that that has been downloaded just 1000 times and had
to be given positive reviews by staff members, says Economic
Development spokesperson David Clark.
“New Zealand Regions was an app launched to promote the Regional Economic Activity Report. It was likely never intended to be used much, just to look good at Steven Joyce’s launch party.
“This is classic Joyce. No one in the real world would download an app to look at information they can find more easily on the internet.
“This is just expensive window dressing. Most apps cost just a dollar. This one has cost the taxpayer $200 for each download.
“It appears the makers and MBIE got so worried about lack of interest they rated the app themselves. The first three ratings are Nicholas Guthrie and Craig Eades, who work for the app maker Alphero, and Peter Ellis who works for MBIE. Of course they all gave it five stars. Mr Joyce will be pleased with them.
“There is so much wasted money coming from agencies connected to Steven Joyce. MBIE is infamous for its makeover that included $360,000 on expensive furniture, $140,000 on a giant TV screen, $260,000 on a sundeck, $70,000 on a sign and $200 on hair straighteners
“Just last week another of Steven Joyce’s agencies, NZTE, was exposed for spending $30k on pounamu pendants for staff and as Tertiary Education Minister he is jointly responsible for the Ministry of Education’s $2.5m Stairway to Heaven.
"If we want regional New Zealand to prosper, we need to support regional priorities. That means investment in real infrastructure and real jobs, not TVs, trinkets and flashy downloads", says Economic Development spokesperson David Clark.