Run anti-feminist blogger out of town
2 February 2016
Run anti-feminist blogger out of town
An anti-feminist blogger who thinks rape should be legalised on private property should be run out of town, says Labour’s MP for Te Tai Tokerau and White Ribbon ambassador Kelvin Davis.
“Controversial author Daryush Valizadeh runs a ‘neomasculinity’ group Return of Kings (ROK), and has planned ‘tribal meetings’ for his followers.
“These plonkers don’t have any clue about what it is to be a real man, who loves, respects and cares for all women. They need to stop pretending sexual violence is normal and a man’s right.
“They have already promised meetings in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin with the exact locations published on Valizadeh’s blog; including a secret code-word greeting to identify ‘fellow tribesmen’.
“It’s telling that women, gay men and transgender men are not invited.
“This group has the collective IQ of your average garden gnome. They should get psychological help to escape their confused creepy fantasy world,” says Kelvin Davis.