Overcharging of thousands of car owners continues
ACC Spokesperson
9 December 2015
Overcharging of thousands of car
owners continues
Thousands of car owners whose vehicles are incorrectly classified under National's shambolic ACC motor vehicle risk rating system face further delays in getting their levies right, Labour ACC spokesperson Sue Moroney says.
“The Government has admitted it wrongly classified 115,000 vehicles last year, but several other models have subsequently been identified as having nonsensical ratings.
“The cars in question include models with different names but exactly the same specifications as vehicles with lower ratings, and the same model cars manufactured just weeks apart that have different ratings.
“ACC have refused to address the errors. Instead they told motorists they would have to use the 2016/17 levy-setting process to get some action.
“Now that process has been completed they are being told they have to face yet another consultation process starting now during the lead-up to Christmas.
“Nikki Kaye's new model is fundamentally flawed and unfair on people who can't afford to update their cars regularly, but she refuses to admit it.
“In fact ACC has advised the Minister: ‘The current vehicle risk rating system needs to be more accurate in respect of some vehicles. Allocating vehicles to their appropriate risk bands can be compromised when improvements are made to a model.’
“So the overcharging of thousands of car owners that began on April Fool’s Day continues,” Sue Moroney says.