Productivity Commission to examine urban planning rules

Published: Sun 1 Nov 2015 11:16 AM
Productivity Commission to examine urban planning rules
Hon Bill English
Minister of Finance
1 November 2015
The Government has asked the Productivity Commission to review urban planning rules and processes, and identify the most appropriate system for land use allocation, Finance Minister Bill English says.
“Urban planning in New Zealand not only underpins housing affordability but also the productivity of the wider economy,” Mr English says.
“Many parts of the regime are out-dated and unwieldy, having been developed over the years in a piecemeal fashion. International best practice has moved on and so must New Zealand.”
The Productivity Commission will undertake a first principles review of the urban planning rules that fall under Acts such as the Local Government Act, the Resource Management Act and the Land Transport Management Act, to ensure they support a responsive housing market.
“The Commission will also consider ways to ensure the future regime is flexible and able to respond to changing demands.”
This report will support the Government’s wider programme on housing, which includes improving housing supply and affordability through Housing Accords with local councils and Special Housing Areas, as well as the Social Housing Reform Programme.

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