One last chance to stop power grab in Canterbury
13 October 2015
One last chance to stop power grab in Canterbury
Today Parliament has one last chance to stop the Government’s ECan power grab, by voting to restore a fully elected regional council, says Labour’s Environment spokesperson Megan Woods.
“Before question time today I will seek leave of the House to table my member’s bill which would restore a fully elected ECan right away.
“If my bill is passed, it will stop National’s power grab plan to keep some unelected commissioners in place for years.
“There is no good reason that Cantabrians are any less deserving of the right to elect their own representatives than people in other parts of the country.
“Even some of the government’s own support partners are publically opposed to their plan, and their own officials.”
“Public submissions on the government’s proposal were overwhelmingly negative. Only 16 of 534 submissions on the discussion document supported the government’s plan.
Today, parliament can show it has listened to people in Canterbury, and trusts them to make their own decisions,” says Megan Woods.