SuperSeniors website launched
Hon Maggie Barry
Minister for Senior
18 September 2015
SuperSeniors website launched
A new website for New Zealand’s SuperSeniors has been launched today by Senior Citizens Minister Maggie Barry.
SuperSeniors will pull together in one place the wealth of information available for older New Zealanders online, including superannuation entitlements, finances, health and SuperGold discounts.
Ms Barry unveiled the website at a seniors event in Milford in Auckland’s North Shore, together with Prime Minister John Key.
“Whether you are looking for information about finances, health services or finding out about ways to stay connected with your community, the SuperSeniors site is the place to go,” Ms Barry says.
61 per cent of New Zealanders over the age of 65 used the internet last year.
With an ageing population which will see 1.2 million people over 65 by 2035, the number of older internet users in New Zealand is set to increase dramatically.
“There are more and more computer-savvy older people able to get online, and a one-stop website which speaks directly to them is timely,” Ms Barry says.
The website will be run by the Office for Senior Citizens and will include information from a wide variety of organisations for seniors, including Government and non-government agencies.
“Older New Zealanders do extraordinary things in their communities. I want this website to remind us all of their valuable contribution, showcase their achievements and tell a powerful story about positive ageing.”
The website can be accessed at