PPL extended for parents of pre-term babies
Hon Michael Woodhouse
Minister for Workplace
Relations and Safety
8 September 2015
Media Statement
PPL extended for parents of pre-term babies
The duration of paid-parental leave will be extended for eligible parents of pre-term babies, Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Woodhouse announced today.
The Minister agreed earlier this year to work with ACT Leader David Seymour to review the support provided in situations of multiple birth, disability and pre-term births.
“Assistance is already available to parents of multiple-birth children and to parents of children with disabilities. However, I have had fruitful discussions with Mr Seymour and have accepted that for parents of pre-term babies there is an opportunity to provide more assistance,” says Mr Woodhouse.
“As a result, the Government will make changes to the Employment Standards Legislation Bill to extend paid parental leave to eligible employees and self-employed parents of pre-term babies.
“Under the changes, eligible parents of pre-term babies will be entitled to a longer period of parental leave payments than the standard 18 weeks (as at 1 April 2016), if the baby is born prior to 37 weeks of gestation (considered full term).
“They will receive additional weekly payments for each week the baby was born prior to the 37 week gestation period. For example, a mother who gives birth at 28 weeks would receive nine additional weekly payments, making it a total of 27 weeks of payment.
“Extending paid parental leave for parents of pre-term babies will give extra assistance to the families of babies at greatest risk and help these children get a good start in life.
“I would like to thank Mr Seymour for his contribution in helping make our paid parental leave framework more modern, flexible and practical to ensure more parents and carers get as much time with their young children as possible.”
The changes will be progressed as part of the Employment Standards Legislation Bill, currently before Parliament.