Govt needs to rule out Serco buying our state houses

Published: Tue 1 Sep 2015 12:36 PM
Govt needs to rule out Serco buying our state houses
Metiria Turei MP on Sunday, August 30, 2015 - 12:20
Thousands of state houses being placed on the asset sales block tomorrow for overseas buyers is a move that is deeply unpopular with New Zealanders, the Green Party said today.
“That the Serco boss was here offering to buy up more state assets like housing is unacceptable and Government needs to rule out Serco as a purchaser,” Green Party Co-Leader Metiria Turei said.
“Serco have proven themselves incapable and cannot be trusted with the welfare of New Zealand families.
“The flogging off our our hard built state houses to foreign corporates is a dangerous path to go down.
“New Zealanders want these homes kept in New Zealand ownership.
“The Government needs to be building more state homes for New Zealanders, not selling the existing capacity.
“Government's desperation to sell them off will come at a huge cost if they sell them to a UK, Australian or overseas agency.
“Overseas buyers like Serco are a risk to some of our most vulnerable families, and the Government should rule at least Serco out,” Mrs Turei said.

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