Tree Destruction Will Be Routine with National’s RMA Reform

Published: Wed 11 Mar 2015 09:43 AM
Tree Destruction Will Be Business as Usual with National’s RMA Reform
The destruction of 500 year old Kauri trees will become business as usual if the National and Act Parties further reform the Resource Management Act says UnitedFuture Leader Peter Dunne.
“I am utterly perplexed that Auckland Council saw fit to approve consent for this development without protecting 500 year old Kauri and 300 year old Rimu trees.
“Section 6 of the RMA requires decision makers to recognise and provide for the protection of areas of significant indigenous vegetation. Surely native trees as old as this must meet such criteria.
“While it remains unclear how this current situation will be resolved, it clearly shows that the RMA’s environmental guarantees cannot be further gutted.
“To further dilute the environmental protections of the Act will only increase the frequency of situations like the current tree debacle.
“We all want greater efficiency, cheaper housing, and to improve our surroundings. But development at all costs is not the New Zealand way. It is time as National and Act recognise that and go back to the drawing board” said Mr Dunne.

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