Forest and Bird’s BIM highlights need to protect our rivers
Forest and Bird’s BIM highlights need to protect our rivers
Forest and Bird's ‘Briefing to Incoming
Ministers’ released today highlights the need for more
Government action to protect and clean up our rivers and
The briefing identifies significant issues with freshwater quality and the lack of effective protection for New Zealand’s rivers. It highlights that two thirds of our native fish will be extinct by 2050 if current trends continue, and the Government has preferred to put the burden of environmental clean-up on to taxpayers, rather than the polluter.
“All of our rivers and lakes should be clean enough to swim in,” said Green Party water spokesperson Eugenie Sage.
“In Government the Green Party would be a strong voice for the environment. We have a clear plan to clean up our rivers.
“Families should be able to head down to their local swimming hole or beach and jump in the water without worrying about getting sick.
“As part of our plan to clean up New Zealand’s rivers, the Green Party will implement a protected rivers network.
"Our remaining wild rivers are a finite and scarce resource which deserve effective legal protection from new dams and water takes for irrigation.”
The briefing highlights that 89 per cent of New Zealanders relate their Kiwi identity to the natural environment as being fundamental to their perception of ‘what it means to be a Kiwi and what is special about New Zealand.’
“When it comes to protecting the places that Kiwi’s care about the Green Party is clear where the balance lies; no environment, no economy,” said Ms Sage.
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