Labour embraces the rainbow
Labour embraces the rainbow
Labour will work hard to
ensure all New Zealanders enjoy the freedom to grow up and
live their lives in dignity and security.
Labour’s Rainbow policy, released last night in Wellington, focuses on International Relations, Human Rights and Education.
“Labour will introduce anti-bullying reporting requirements as part of the Education Review Office’s powers, says the chair of Labour’s Rainbow Caucus Louisa Wall.
“We will make it mandatory for schools to report bullying and we will improve the pastoral support given to GLBTI youth in New Zealand's education system.
“Many GLBTI New Zealanders continue to be subject to verbal and physical abuse, and they are made to feel inferior at our schools.
“Too often, this results in high rates of self-harm and suicide amongst young GLBTI New Zealanders. Labour will take action to eliminate discrimination, violence and bullying, and to combat suicide and self-harm.
“Labour believes that all people should have the same right to live in dignity, regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.
“That’s why we will review laws and policies that stop people being free from discrimination (under Section 19 of the Bill of Rights). Under the Human Rights Act we will prohibit gender identity as a ground for discrimination.
"We will also promote the health, access to services, security and rights of transgender and intersex New Zealanders by supporting the recommendations of the Human Rights Commission’s ‘To be Who I Am: Kia Noho au Ki Toku Ano Au report.’
A Labour-led government will raise New Zealand’s voice worldwide wherever discrimination against GLBTI people continues.
“Labour will continue to maintain and grow a strong New Zealand participation in international bodies dealing with Human Rights, especially at the United Nations level.”