Further steps forward for $359m education initiative
Hon Hekia Parata
Minister of
26 August 2014 Media Statement
Further steps forward for $359m education
Education Minister Hekia Parata says good progress continues to be made on the Government’s $359 million initiative to lift student achievement.
The Ministry of Education last week reached agreements with the PPTA, SPANZ and the New Zealand School Trustees Association, on how the new leadership and teaching roles will work as part of the Investing in Educational Success initiative.
The Ministry of Education has now started the process of calling for expressions of interest from all schools who want to work together as Communities of Schools.
A Community of Schools will consist of around ten schools that trace a pathway from primary to secondary and so are generally in the same neighbourhood. The schools will work together with parents to identify their common achievement goals and will share highly-skilled teachers and leaders to focus on these goals.
“In many cases, groups of teachers and principals are already working together in clusters on particular issues, but we are keen to extend those relationships to follow students throughout their 13 year school pathway, and help establish new ones through this initiative,” Ms Parata says.
“It’s up to each school and its parents and families about whether they want to opt in, but I have already had a lot of really positive feedback as I have travelled around the country and talked to communities.
“We want every child to get the best education possible and we are confident we can achieve this by keeping the best teachers teaching, encouraging collaboration between schools and strengthening school leadership.”
Ms Parata says the Government remains committed to implementing this initiative with the communities keen to be involved, and the door remains open to other relevant parties to enter into bargaining with the Ministry.
“At the heart of this initiative is a better education for all our children and young people,” Ms Parata says.
For more information on the expressions of interest process, please visit:http://www.education.govt.nz/ministry-of-education/specific-initiatives/investing-in-educational-success/#relateddocuments