Minister welcomes 6th Communication on Climate Change
Hon Tim Groser
Minister for Climate Change Issues
13 December 2013
Media Statement
Minister welcomes Sixth National Communication on Climate Change
Minister for Climate Change Issues Tim Groser has welcomed the publishing of New Zealand’s Sixth National Communication on Climate Change and the associated First Biennial Report.
“The Sixth National Communication is a snapshot of our progress towards meeting our commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change,” Mr Groser says. “Much of the information is already publicly available but the communication brings it together in a single document, describing the source of our emissions, where they might come from in the future, and the broad range of measures we have underway to take responsibility for our emissions.
“It shows we are doing our share as part of the global effort on climate change and that we have a broad range of measures to reduce emissions across our economy. Agriculture has shown significant reductions in emissions intensity and the Government has a strong and on-going commitment to exploring innovative and technical solutions to reduce emissions further.
“We are also investing in international programmes to support global emission reductions, mitigation and resilience, and playing a leadership role globally where we can make a significant contribution. This includes leading the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases and investing $80 million in renewable energy and climate adaptation to help our neighbours in the Pacific.”
The communication is produced by the Ministry for the Environment. National communications are required under Article 4.1 and 12 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Annex 1 Parties, such as New Zealand, produce a national communication every 4-5 years. New Zealand’s last communication was produced in 2009.
The Biennial Report is a new requirement under the UNFCCC. It includes additional information on New Zealand's new unconditional emissions reduction target to 2020, including any accounting assumptions that are relevant to the attainment of that target, and more information on financial, technological and capacity building support to developing countries.
The national communication will be subject to an "in-depth" review by an international team of experts, coordinated by UNFCCC secretariat. This is expected to take place in 2014.
The Sixth National Communication on Climate Change and First Biennial Report can be found
Scoop copy of report: sixthnationalcommunication.pdf