Chris Tremain Not Contesting 2014 Election

Published: Mon 30 Sep 2013 03:52 PM
Hon Chris Tremain
MP for Napier
Media Statement
30 September 2013
Chris Tremain Not Contesting 2014 Election
Chris Tremain, MP for Napier, announced today that he will not be contesting the 2014 general election.
"I am proud of the significant achievements of this government led by Prime Minister John Key. Under his leadership New Zealand is now one of the strongest growing economies in the western world and has a very bright future. I intend to continue to contribute to this exciting future but now in the commercial sector of our economy.
"My family has been a huge part of my decision. I have three children finishing high school and I want to devote more time to them before they leave home," Mr Tremain says.
"It is my intention to devote my energy to both my electorate and to my Ministerial portfolios right through until the general election next year. I have had amazing support from the people of Napier and Hawke's Bay and wish to finish a number of local projects before the end of the term.
"I will prioritise the second tranche of local government reform, gambling reform, fire legislation and the ICT Strategy and Action Plan in my Ministerial portfolios between now and the election.
"I have made this decision with my wife and communicated it to the Prime Minister a fortnight ago. I have decided to announce it today to allow the National Party time to find a suitable replacement for next year's election.
"The National Party continues to enjoy unprecedented support as a second term government, which means we are well placed to win a third term next year. In the last election, I had a 6600 party vote majority and a 3700 electorate vote majority, which I believe provides a solid platform for a strong National Party candidate to win Napier once again in 2014," Mr Tremain says.

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