New look Labour line-up ready for action

Published: Mon 23 Sep 2013 03:10 PM
David Cunliffe
Labour Leader
23 September 2013
New look Labour line-up ready for action
Labour Leader David Cunliffe has unveiled his new shadow cabinet, describing it is a government in waiting that will make a real difference to the lives of Kiwis.
“I’m immensely proud to lead this new-look caucus line-up. The Labour team has a tremendous depth of experience, as well as plenty of up and coming talent. We are a formidable fighting unit, and this reshuffle will sharpen our attack as we build to the 2014 election.
“This is a line-up based on merit. We have just one short year until the next election, and we need our top performers leading policy development and taking the fight to National.
“David Parker will lead a beefed-up economic team that will put the interests of Kiwis at the heart of everything we do.
“Our economic team of David Parker in Finance, Shane Jones in Economic Development and Grant Robertson in Employment, Skills and Training is second to none. They will be at the core of the next Labour government, delivering policies that will make a real difference to people’s lives.
“The redoubtable Annette King will continue to hold the Government to account in Health, while Jacinda Ardern continues her work focused on children but also picks up Police and Corrections.
“Clayton Cosgrove and Chris Hipkins are both proven performers with a track record of landing hits in their current portfolios. I know they will continue to expose the government and shine a light on its failings.
“Nanaia Mahuta and Sue Moroney both make a welcome step up onto the front bench. Nanaia’s contacts and standing in Māoridom make her the obvious choice in Treaty Negotiations and Māori Development. Sue is more than ready, willing and able to add Social Development to her Chief Whip duties.
“Other MPs who make a well-deserved jump up the rankings include Louisa Wall and Moana Mackey, while David Shearer will lead our international team, taking on Foreign Affairs and also Energy and Resources.
“This is a line-up of talent, intellect and integrity. It is a team of heavy-hitters that is refreshed and raring to go,” says David Cunliffe.

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