Police still failing to protect vulnerable road users

Published: Sun 22 Sep 2013 11:13 AM
Police still failing to protect vulnerable road users
The Police are ignoring valuable data that could be used to help protect road users, especially the most vulnerable ones, the Green Party said today.
Information received under the Official Information Act from the Police show that, despite recent changes to the Community Roadwatch website, the Police are choosing not to analyse the data collected to better enforce the law and protect all road users, especially people walking and cycling.
“The Police are ignoring valuable data collected from their Community Roadwatch website to manage road safety in a smart way,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter.
“Is this another example of the Police failing in their duty of care to vulnerable road users?
“The Community Roadwatch website collects valuable information on dangerous driving which can be used by the Police to better prioritise the policing of our roads.
“This data is currently unusable. The Police can’t manage what they don’t measure.”
Green MP Kevin Hague had earlier suspected that cyclists’ Police complaints were getting lost in the system. His enquiries secured a new feature on the Community Roadwatch website recording the mode of transport of the complainant.
“One year on, I wanted to better understand the reporting trends that were emerging now that the Police were capturing vulnerable road user data,” said Ms Genter.
“The Police couldn’t help me. What is the point of reporting bad driving to the Police if they do next to nothing with the information?
“I have a strong belief cycling accidents are being underreported and the Police are not helping matters with their lax data handling.
“People who ride bikes deserve the same protection from the Police as other road users, but it seems they are being badly let down.”
Link to Official Information response from the Police:
Link to the Police’s Community Roadwatch website:

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