Let’s get Christchurch moving
Christchurch Transport Spokesperson
16 August 2013 MEDIA STATEMENT
Let’s get Christchurch moving
Urgent action is needed to get Christchurch moving, says Labour’s Christchurch Transport spokesperson Megan Woods.
“Earthquake Minister Gerry Brownlee has revealed that he doesn’t think Canterbury’s much awaited central city transport plan is a priority.
“This claim is nonsense. Anyone trying to get around Christchurch will tell you the roads are not coping, they are messy, and they are slow-moving.
“The Minister was supposed to have passed Canterbury’s transport plan by Cabinet five months ago. In response to questioning, the Minister’s office claimed that the rebuild was simply not at the point where the transport plan was considered vital to the recovery.
“There are some good initiatives in the draft plan. Along with expected upgrades to our roads there are also genuine attempts to build a 21st century city that sees public transport, walking and cycling as real transport options.
“An approved transport plan is not a nice to have, it’s fundamental to the rebuild of the city.
“While people are frustrated with road works they do agree our roads need to be fixed. What they shouldn’t have to put up with is work moving at a snail’s pace.
“The reality is that residential and commercial development is occurring all over the city and we need a transport plan to match that. People need to be able to move around their neighbourhoods and their city. The CCDU transport plan is the key to this transport network.”