Green Party : Talley’s and Foreign Charter Vessels
2 August 2013
Green Party statement on Talley’s and Foreign Charter Vessels
The Green Party would like to congratulate Talley’s strong and consistent position against Foreign Charter Vessels (FCVs) operating in New Zealand’s waters, and it is great that the National Party has decided not to progress the exemption for settlement quota, which was also opposed by Talley’s.
In regards to the story broadcast on TV One News on 30 July about FCVs, the Greens would like to make clear that we didn’t mean to suggest that the Talley’s Group or family was involved in lobbying for any exemptions. If anyone gained that impression, it was wrong and the Greens apologise.
Talley’s clear position has always been to oppose any exemptions to the proposed ban on FCVs operating in New Zealand’s waters, a position the Green Party whole-heartedly supports.