Housing accord won’t fix affordable housing crisis
10 May 2013
Housing accord won’t fix affordable housing crisis
The Green Party are pleased to see progress on the issue of housing affordability in Auckland, but says that we still have a long way to go.
“This afternoon’s release of the Auckland Housing Accord sets out a first step forward for Auckland’s housing crisis, but it’s only one step,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“Brownfield developments are key to providing affordable housing and the best way to achieve the compact city that the Auckland Plan sets out to achieve.
“So it’s really unfortunate that brownfield developments are not given a higher emphasis over greenfield in the accord.
“Building new developments a long way from the city just piles on extra transport and infrastructure costs and keeps Auckland sprawling.
“While the accord is a first step, no one has asked the question of who is going to build these affordable houses; that needs government leadership.
“Creating affordable housing requires central government investment.
“Part of the solution is set out in the Green Party Home for Life plans which would put in place a progressive ownership model to help families afford their own homes,” said Mrs Turei.
Green Party Home for Life
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