Key And Williamson Ducking for Cover Over Crafar Farms
Rt Hon Winston Peters
New Zealand
First Leader
22 August 2012
Key And Williamson Ducking for Cover
Over Crafar Farms
New Zealand First is asking John Key and his minister Maurice Williamson why they are obfuscating on questions about the illegal purchase of four Crafar farms by fraudsters May Wang and Jack Chen.
Rt Hon Winston Peters says Mr Key today was allowed to dodge serious issues when answering questions in Parliament.
“Why have Wang and Chen never faced charges over their illegal purchase of the farms?
“These are very serious offences under the Overseas Investment Act which sees them liable for fines of up to $300,000 for each offence, yet they have never been charged.
“We now know that there was no reason why they couldn’t be charged in 2010 and there’s no reason why they can’t be charged now.
“Why does the Government refuse to take this action?”
Mr Peters says today’s performance in Parliament by Mr Key was a disgrace.
“Not one question got a straight reply.
He must stop concealing the facts and for once come out and
tell New Zealanders what it is about May Wang and Jack Chan
that they have escaped legal action.”