Green Party comment on ministerial inquiry into sex offender
Green Party comment on ministerial inquiry into sex offender teacher
It is bizarre that the
Government is moving to toughen up on the screening teachers
while at the same time slackening the requirements for
teachers at charter schools, Green Party education
spokesperson Catherine Delahunty said.
“It is good
that the Government will implement much of the
recommendations of the inquiry into systemic failings which
allowed Te Rito Henry Miki, a convicted sex offender, to
teach at several schools under a new identity.
“But while police will still vet staff in charter schools, this review talks about a whole layer of additional checks that will be done at teacher registration level and which the unqualified staff that the Government plans for charter schools will miss out on completely.
“This highlights another area where charter schools will compromise the education and safety of our most vulnerable learners.
“The report highlights a systemic failure that allowed the offender in to schools and, rather than blame individuals, we believe those systems need to be fixed in order to make children safe,” Ms Delahunty said.