Corporal Willie Apiata a true Maori ‘hero’

Published: Thu 19 Jul 2012 10:33 AM
Corporal Willie Apiata a true Maori ‘hero’
18 July 2012
The Maori Party has responded to the news that Willie Apiata will be leaving the Defence Force, by acknowledging his courageous feats which have served as an inspiration to many of our people.
“As Maori we remember fondly the many great soldiers that we have had over the years. Willie Apiata will take his place amongst that line of great soldiers – who fought for our country, and for the notion of citizenship. Willie was part of a great team and as a country, we acknowledge their service and their sacrifice.
“His bravery earned him a Victoria Cross medal, but even more prestigious was the place he had earned in the hearts of the people on the Coast. He has joined the likes of the much loved and fondly remembered Moana Ngarimu as a true inspiration for nga hapu, me nga iwi o Aotearoa.”
“A loved son of the North and Te Whanau a Apanui, Willie Apiata has not only had an honourable career, he has made his whanau, hapu and iwi proud. You see when your uri do well, the sun shines upon the whole tribe – that’s what Whanau Ora is about.”
“There is something about this man that really hit a chord with our rangatahi. This man has charisma, and he is almost like a real life action hero that our kids looked up to. Evidence of that is in the ‘Willie Apiata email’ that’s gone viral!
“We thank Corporal Willie Apiata for his service to our country and our community. We wish him and his whanau well on their new journeys. He truly is an inspiration to us all.”
Background – snippets from the Willie Apiata email
• “eg Some people wear Superman pyjamas. Superman wears Willie Apiata pyjamas”.
• Google won't search for Willie Apiata because it knows you don't find Willie Apiata, he finds you
• Willie Apiata doesn’t wear a watch. HE decides what time it is.

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