Mana Calls For Overstayers Amnesty
Mana Calls For Overstayers Amnesty
MANA is calling for an amnesty for Pacific Islander overstayers in Aotearoa.
Mana Immigration spokesperson and MANA candidate for Mangere James Papali'i says the current treatment of Pacific Islander overstayers must stop.
"Pacific Islander overstayers are being thrown in prison, treated like criminals and the entire family, even children born here are deported with no dignity.
"Not surprisingly the treatment they are receiving is leaving many severely traumatised."
Mr Papali'i says no other party has bothered to tackle the issue of the treatment of overstayers in our prisons.
MANA leader Hone Harawira says the treatment of them and their immediate families is unacceptable.
He says Aotearoa is a Pacific Nation and as far as he is concerned no child of the Pacific should be treated and branded as an overstayer.
Mr Harawira and Mr Papali'i will be speaking about this issue at a Pacific Island public meeting where all are invited at Nga Whare Waatea this Thursday 6.30 pm.
Two buses will be picking up people from Otara and Manuwera at the Otara Police Station at 5.30 pm for this meeting.