Govt. can give Bay of Plenty businesses certainty today

Published: Wed 19 Oct 2011 11:13 AM
Govt. can give Bay of Plenty businesses certainty today
The Government needs to put in place a financial support plan for businesses in the Bay of Plenty affected by the Rena oil disaster now rather than wait until Christmas, the Green Party said today.
Prime Minister John Key was reported as saying yesterday that a compensation package for businesses affected by a stricken ship off Tauranga may not be necessary if the problem is resolved by Christmas.
“Affected business owners and their employees need certainty of financial support from the Government today, not on Christmas Day, to enable them to plan their response to the oil spill effectively,” Green Party marine spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today.
“Hoteliers, fishing crews, and marine tourism operators are all being affected financially by the spill right now.
“The rescue package can be similar to what happened in Christchurch where people lost their businesses and income due to a disaster outside of their control.
“The owners and insurers of the Rena need to ultimately pay for the costs of their negligence, but that process could take years to work through, so the Government needs to act and give people whose livelihoods and jobs are now on the line certainty about their futures.”
Mr Hughes also expressed concern for those on lower incomes in the Bay of Plenty area.
“Many people rely on the food they gather from the ocean to get by in these tough economic times,” said Mr Hughes.
“Now that the sea is off-limits for food gathering, these people may be going without.
“Work and Income need to be prepared to accept increased applications for Special Needs Grants and Temporary Additional Support payments.”
Recap on the Canterbury Earthquake financial rescue provisions: 1. Earthquake Support Subsidy: A subsidy for employers who believe they are going to remain in business and want to keep their staff. $500 gross per week or $300 gross per week to cover part time staff for up to six weeks.
2. Earthquake Job Loss Cover: A $400 a week in the hand payment for a period of six weeks paid to fulltime employees, ($240 in the hand for part time employees). This applies to those who are unable to contact their employer or the business has closed permanently.
Authorised by Gareth Hughes, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

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