National cuts nearly 2400 jobs
State Services Spokesperson
8 September 2011
National cuts nearly 2400
The National Government has cut the
number of government workers by 2400 since December 2008,
Labour state services spokesperson Ruth Dyson says.
“No wonder places, like Southland, Rotorua, Whanganui and Nelson who have all this week been hit by Government cuts, feel as though front line services are being removed from their communities,” Ruth Dyson said.
“Tony Ryall and his National Party colleagues can use as many weasel words as they want. The reality is that his Government is putting people out of work and onto the dole or driving them overseas.
“National are in la-la land if they think the cuts they have made have not hurt front line services or regional communities.
“Where in Tony Ryall’s press release today did he mention the millions of dollars his Government has ripped out of local economies with his cuts to the public sector?
“Cuts to the public service aren’t about bureaucrats they are about services and communities.
“Why are National MPs not standing up and fighting for their communities?
“National lied about capping and not cutting the public service and it lied when it said they were moving resources to the frontline,” Ruth Dyson said.